7.15-8pm Meersbrook United Reformed Church, Sheffield
- Fitness Drop in Class suitable for all
- £5 drop in price or £45 for 10 weeks
8-9pm Meersbrook United Reformed Church, Sheffield
- Skills and Choreography Class for those wishing to take their dance to the next level
- This class runs in in blocks of 4 weeks so that skills and dances can be practised and perfected
- We learn regional dance styles such as Khaleeji, Raqs Kawleeya, Saidi, Nubian, Falahi, Turkish and more
- Get to use beautiful and fun props such as silk veils, fan veils, assaya, swords, poi and sagaat!
6.00pm Crookes Social Club, Mulehouse Road, Sheffield
- Fitness Drop in Class suitable for all
- Have fun and improve your stamina, strength and flexibility
- £5 drop in price or £45 for 10 weeks
6.30 Graves Health and Sports Centre, Sheffield
- A fun drop in class introducing belly dance
- Lots of fun dances and drills to work muscles you didn’t know you had!